Frequently asked questions

Q: Why did you call this site here’s the thing?

A: Well, it means a couple of things. Literally, “here’s the thing,” check out this flashy new gadget. More importantly, it means “here’s the catch,” or “here’s the bottom line”—because that’s what this site is all about: cutting through the clutter and helping you make the most of the gadgets you use every day.

Q: I’ve got a burning tech question that I need help with. Can you help?

A: Absolutely. Submit your questions right here and I’ll do my best to answer, or even turn your query into a full-on blog post. Don’t worry, we won’t post your email address or full name.

Q: I want you to review my product!

A: Have a cool gadget or service you’d like us to check out? Submit your pitches right here and I’ll let let you know if we’re interested.

Q: So, do you keep all the cool gadgets that the companies send you?

A: Nope; as a matter of policy, I return all review units once I’m finished evaluating them. I also don’t accept free subscriptions to online services, although I’m OK with limited free trials for review purposes. The only exceptions to the “everything gets returned” rule are software and game discs under a certain value ($50 in the case of software, $60 for games). Regardless of the scenario, I’ll disclose everything that happened in terms of review units, services, or software.

Q: Do you ever get paid for the posts you publish?

A: Well, I don’t publish so-called “sponsored” posts where a company pays me to write about them. That said, when I publish posts about specific products or deals, I often link to merchant sites (like Amazon), and sometimes here’s the thing makes a commission on products that our readers purchase. Just like advertising revenue, money from commissions helps keep here’s the thing running. If you buy something that makes a little money for the site, thank you!

Q: Do you ever go on all-expenses-paid trips or junkets?

A: No, I don’t. Whenever I travel to cover a company event or industry trade show, I go on my own dime.

Q: Do companies pay you or offer you better access in exchange for good coverage?

A: The vast majority of tech companies and PR agencies I’ve dealt with have been extremely professional and on the level—meaning they’d never overtly offer cash and/or goodies for flattering coverage or good reviews. But if it ever did happen, I’d politely (but firmly) decline.

Q: What about advertisers? Won’t companies get mad if you slam their products while they’re advertising on your site?

A: Well, maybe so. But the only way to maintain your trust is to ensure that my editorial is completely unbiased—and if I lose an advertiser or two in the process, so be it.

Q: Did you make this site yourself?

A: Well, kind of. We asked friends and family for help, found a super talented designer and website developer, and then decided on a tool called WordPress that lets us publish articles whenever we want. Everyone over at WordPress is amazingly supportive and we can’t thank them enough!

Q: Did you know there’s a WNYC podcast called Here’s the Thing?

A: I sure do! If you came here by mistake, click this link.

Q: I’ve got an idea or suggestion for here’s the thing. Where should I send it?

A: Submit it right here.

Want to know more about here’s the thing? Check out the About page.